I came to working with men through growing in a suburb that encouraged to men to grow a certain way. Then I saw that being the typical 'aussie bloke' as a kid didn’t work so well as young man or adult. It seemed we weren’t providing environments to explore with real honesty what it means to be a man, what we love about it and what we hate about it. To ask ourselves whether our old man’s generation’s version of masculinity was a life sentence we wanted endure.
At the Reach foundation I designed a program to deconstruct masculinity in a way that didn’t shame young men for living a stereotype but created an honest conversation amongst their mates about whether the stereotype we are holding ourselves up to is working for us. Since then through sport clubs, corporate organisations and schools I’ve created spaces for these environments of change to occur. The majority of my corporate work has been in the leadership space at the c-suite level, a typically male dominated area that celebrates stoicism, sucking it up and getting it done however there is another way.
I truly believe we need to celebrate what it means to be a man and allow a non-judgemental yet courageously honest conversation to unfold that allows both boys and men alike to see there is a way to be man that they can feel proud of and that will give them the freedom to live in more effective and healthier way. It seems the mainstream consciousness has acknowledged the need for men to talk, I’m passionate about giving them training grounds to cultivate the skills to enact change.
In 2014 I worked with the Dublin Hurling team on their All Ireland campaign traveling to Portugal for their team retreat and facilitating workshops between their management and player group to come to come together and communicate with courage. I’ve also facilitated workshops with the Melbourne football club, Irelands Gaelic Players association and various other sporting organsiations.
I have designed and delivered workshops for thousands of young men through out Australia and internationally since 2004 targeted at exploring a healthy version of masculinity that appeals to young men. Through my involvement with the The Reach Foundation and The Soar Foundation in Ireland I have a deep understanding for the challenges facing young men and have passion for creating the non-judgmental and honest environments that allow them the space to make changes to their personal version of masculinity as they grow into men.
In 2016 I was approached to collaborated with Heiress films, ABC, and Movember to work on the documentary man up. Within the show I run a workshop for a group of corporate CEO’s deconstruction the stereotype of the corporate male leader and looking at a more effective version of the one dimensional old school stoic. I also had the privlidge of running a workshop I designed 10 years ago and delivered to thousand around doing the same for young men in schools.
In 2016 I’m an ambassador for polished man an initiative that calls on men to raise awareness and funds by painting a nail in October to start a conversation to end violence towards women and children. Men have a responsibility to stand up and make a change in this space and I feel passionate about being a part of that movement. We are in discussions about delivering some behaviour change initiatives to give men the skills and courage to speak up and change an old school masculine culture that can lead violence against women and children.